At what age does children start to smoke?

World No Tobacco Day is upon us. Have you seen my Quit smoking page over Zazzle? Are you going to do anything to celebrate it on 31 May? According to my research children start to smoke at the age of 12-15. Four cigarettes a day are enough to lead adults to addiction to nicotine but children only need two cigarettes a day for four to six weeks to find themselves hooked. Girls are addicted to nicotine faster than boys. The earlier one starts smoking the easier it is to become dependent. Smoking tobacco also increases the risk of dependence on other substances. But what is the biggest risk that a child or youngster faces immediately when smoking? It’s to become dependent on it for life. 

Source: Bases científicas para a prevenção do consumo de tabaco na escola, José Precioso and Manuel Macedo, Instituto de Educação e Psicologia, Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal
