Salgueiro Maia was Carnation Revolution's hero

Portugal, Dia da Liberdade or Freedom Day 18oz Water Bottle by aportugueselove
Check out Portugal Water Bottles online at zazzle
"Fed up with almost 50 years of oppression,
- Sick of incompetence,
- Fed of cannon fodder manufacturer,
- Tired of helping a handful of gluttons eat on the budget account,
- Tired of "fighting" for lost causes,
I decided to say "enough."
(...) After the first radio signal with the song E depois do adeus, we begin to wake up the guys, they were convinced to stand before another instruction night. (...)
Thus, before the denial of freedom and injustice that we had reached, the zero hope in better days, we had to change the regime, not to become substitutes to the previous regime ourselves, but to return freedom and democracy to the people so as to ensure people the choice of the collective destiny.
To unwind, I stated that there were various types of states: the liberals, the social democrats, the socialists, etc.., But no state was worse than the condition that we had become, so it urged us to finish with it. "
(Excerpt is taken from the book CapitĂ£o de Abril: HistĂ³rias da guerra do ultramar e do 25 de Abril )
Carnation Revolution. It started 20 minutes after midnight and before dinner time it was over. The army didn't fire a shot but four civilians were killed by the government forces and maybe 50 were injured. A legendary army captain named Fernando Salgueiro Maia was 29 years old that day and he was the man who led a revolutionary movement of 144 left-wing junior officers. He was the face and the heart of the Carnation Revolution even if the commanding officer was the more radical Otelo Carvalho. Salgueiro Maia was a real patriot and hero. He was a skilled, intelligent, honest, and generous man. He cared for others more than he cared about himself. He died too soon, in 1992, of cancer, but he will never be forgotten by those who give freedom due value. This revolution changed Portugal.
In Lisboa, the walls of the Universidade Nova building at Avenida de Berna da Universidade Nova gained new meaning and life. This is the work from a collective of young artists - Miguel JanuĂ¡rio, Frederico Draw, Diogo Machado e Gonçalo Ribeiro - that were indicated by Alexandre Farto, aka Vhils to accomplish the job. Well done!
This was a great idea because murals were common in Portugal after the Revolution.
And here are some more photos, Posters, Murals, Paintings and Stickers!
Centro de documentaĂ§Ă£o 25 de Abril Documentation centre of Coimbra Universtity. Portuguese language.
Portuguese plastic artists on the Revolution
A collection of works from Portuguese plastic artists inspired by the Carnation Revolution.
A collection of works from Portuguese plastic artists inspired by the Carnation Revolution.
Images, posters, stickers about the Carnation Revolution The photos of the Revolution
57 black and white photos that document the Carnation Revolution
57 black and white photos that document the Carnation Revolution
Artistic murals of the Revolution
ConceĂ§Ă£o Neuparth Collection. This woman photographed more than 500 murals from north to south of Portugal.
ConceĂ§Ă£o Neuparth Collection. This woman photographed more than 500 murals from north to south of Portugal.
Celeste of the carnations
Celeste Caeiro explains how she got the carnations and why she gave it to the military. ( Portuguese language.)
Celeste Caeiro explains how she got the carnations and why she gave it to the military. ( Portuguese language.)
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