
Showing posts from February, 2014

Portuguese fado singer Cristina Branco is back!

Idealist is the name of the new record of my favorite Portuguese fado singer, Cristina Branco! "In this new record “Idealist” Cristina Branco summarized a musical universe encompassing hundreds of great songs resulting from a seventeen years-long career that began in 1996, in Amsterdam. But we are not in the presence of another collection of songs, as extraordinary as the summary of so many sublime moments could be. “Idealist” is also a firm promise of continuation of her musical, poetical, and interpretative path, as proved by the three new tracks that are added to Cristina Branco’s “ideal list”: a traditional fado, “Na rua do silĂȘncio (fado Estoril)”, and two original songs with lyrics by MĂĄrio ClĂĄudio – “Se fores nĂŁo chores por mim” and “Fado da partilha”. Three new songs carrying noticeably Cristina Branco’s personal brand and proving that the singer feels closer to fado today than she felt in other stages of her career." from Cristina Branco's  Official site

A few timeless Love stories

Portuguese folk lovers' handkerchiefs pattern throw pillow Hello friends and Zazzlers! It's almost that time of the year. No. Not Christmas. Well, it's almost that special holiday of the year! One that many can't stand! One that many love. Yes, it's Valentine's Day. Yet most people like love stories. Love is always a success. Hearts melt reading about love stories - Frida and Diego Rivera's for example. Or one of the poets Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett. These two started writing letters to each other and ended up married! I loved Marie and Pierre Curie's love story for a long time. I read their story when I was very young and I imagined a couple living and working together with great success in a lab surrounded by mystery. It seemed so modern and so adventurous! They shared Nobel prizes but unfortunately, their love for the wonders of science would lead to their deaths as they were not aware of radiation exposure dangers. I am also quite fond