Portugal's Day military celebrations at the city of Guarda

These are just a few photos of my small TV that I hardly ever watch. But I was online this morning and read that the ceremonies of June 10, Portugal's Day in the city of Guarda were interrupted because the President fainted during his speech. So I turned it on and took some quick photos to show you what went on this morning at military celebrations at the city of Guarda.

Portugal Day or, in the Portuguese language, Dia de Portugal, de Camões e das Comunidades Portuguesas (Day of Portugal, Camões, and the Portuguese Communities), is today. The date commemorates the death of national literary icon Luís de Camões on 10 June 1580. That's the way it's also known as Camões Day, His birth date is unknown so we remember and celebrate the big poet on his death date. This is a national holiday. Usually, there's a mix of cultural celebrations, sports events may be, and official celebrations that often include military parades. Every year I think that nothing special is organized by individuals, not even a barbecue! I would like that. But I guess we're not very effusive when it comes to celebrating our national day.

As Portugal's political crisis is rumbling on I guess it was to expect demonstrations at this event against the Government and even the President himself because he's an obvious supporter of the majority who won the elections. Portuguese president Anibal Cavaco Silva has backed the present government like forever and people are not pleased. I think the middle class can't be happy anyway you look at it. Football and the summer will numb us for a while, you'll see. But we're struggling. The white banners of the demonstrators read GOVERNO RUA meaning "Government out". I guess this doesn't look pretty on our national day but everyday's reality isn't pretty either. I listen to a small part of the President's speech, and it sounded alright, it was aimed at the military forces focused on the value of human resources. The problem is that our President is not saying what the majority of the struggling population wants to hear. Anyway, I'm glad the guy is OK, I do not wish harm to anyone. But I imagine that this episode will originate a lot of sick jokes!
