Woman that keeps 80 stray dogs needs help

Newspaper cover Correio da Manhã watch it here.

Television cover RTP1 watch it here.

People call her Mother Theresa of the Dogs but her name is Maria José. This lady is 67 years old and she is retired now. She lives in Pinhal Novo and she keeps 80 dogs and 20 cats. Some can be adopted, but others do not because they are sick or too old for that. The lady and the animals are facing eviction from the house they inhabit, for nonpayment of rent. The landlord threatened to pull the gates of the land where they are and cut water and electricity to Maria José. She feared that if things come to her animals will escape and eventually die or be injured. No one wants these animals in the streets again or dead by city hall services. A group was born on Facebook to help the lady and the animals. She has already a place for herself. The group focus is on the animals she has been helping for some years now. 

How can you help?
PROMOTING this postage to your Facebook, Twitter, and email friends. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!
PROVIDING to Maria José´s needs:

- Send money for tools and construction materials;

- Send construction materials to build fences and shelters for dogs;
- Send food for cats and dogs (as the money is being channeled to the new site)
- Send money to pay the vet bills which are now 3000 euros! (the money is being channeled to the new site)
- Adopt one of her dogs or cats!
- She also needs people to work at a voluntary level in the construction;

If you would like to make a money transfer, check the following:

Account name - Maria José Cautela

Bank name - Banco Montepio
NIB:0036 0027 9910 0121 5760 4
IBAN: PT50 0036 0027 9910 0121 5760 4

If you sent any money, please scan and send proof to suzyccf@hotmail.com with Os amigos da Teti for the message title so she can mention you on the donations listing.

If you would like to send food for the animals, check the following:


Maria José Cautela
Apartado 11
2955-909 Pinhal Novo

If you would like to speak to her, - I don't know if she knows English - to visit her animals:

Maria José mobile phone number: 914 728 234

This information can be found on Facebook Os amigos da Teté Group
